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Goal Oriented AI BOT With Natural Speech

Updated: 09/10/2019

Again on a hot summer day, we sought the idea that came out while sipping our drinks.

While AI has been so hype, at least in relation to the topic, we decided to do something about it...


AI is a concept that has existed since the 1950s. Not too new. However, thanks to the sub-headings covered by their subject and their development until today, interesting works started to emerge.


Until five to ten years ago, things that most people would call impossible were now possible with applications that we have installed on our smartphones.


Since there are many articles on this subject, I will share our goal with you without further ado. Although this is not a new or original idea, at least we do not know yet a successful example made in the Turkish language.


The definition is simple, we plan to build a robot that can answer you when you talk and do it with a very realistic sound. Don't let the word "robot" fool you, we're not looking for an R2-D2.

To begin with, we set our target with the AI's conversational dialog system as "goal oriented".

In order to do this successfully, all three stages must be completed.

  1. STT ( Speech To Text) : Converting what you say into text.

  2. NLP & NLU  (Natural Language Processing & Understanding) : Understanding and responding to text

  3. TTS ( Text To Speech) : Translating text into a realistic voice  (Done.)


I would like to underline again, this is not a new title. However, there are advances in the techniques applied to these requirements, and we are putting them on the table.

Starting from the relatively “easy” one, we have dealt with TTS. Although there are excellent examples in many languages ​​around the world, we do not find the examples made for Turkish good enough.

TTS Phase Completed ! (Update: 09/10/2019)


Text to Speech - Early trials!

Some numbers ?!

Rigmarole Challenges!

Social IT Club



Now the next step is STT !!

PS: Yeah, we leave the hardest to the end. :)

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